How to choose glue for wooden model kits

How to choose glue for wooden model kits

Are you making a model? One of the most vital materials in any crafter’s toolkit is glue. Glues go a long way toward guaranteeing a long-lasting and effective product, so spending the time to find the perfect glue for the model is worthwhile.
You’ll need a dependable, long-lasting adhesive that won’t break down as your project proceeds. The glue you use is just as crucial as the wood you use. No matter how well-designed your model is, it will not function effectively if the glue is poor.
Waterproofing is a significant consideration when choosing glue. The waterproofness of most glues will be indicated on the label, allowing you to assess whether or not they can be used outside. Indoor furniture projects and crafts will benefit from non-waterproof glues.

3 sections, wooden floor, hammer, and glue, 3 glues

Common Types of glue for wooden model kits:

Here are some prevalent types of glue for woodworking projects:

1. Polyvinyl acetate, or carpenter’s glue (PVA):

PVA glue is a popular and widely accessible woodworking adhesive that may be used for various projects. PVA is a white, usually harmless thermoplastic glue made from vinyl acetate polymerization. PVA is commonly referred to as wood glue or carpenter’s glue.

PVAc is most commonly employed as a water-based emulsion of PVAc polymers. When heated above room temperature, PVAc softens and is less resistant to moisture and humidity than thermosetting resins. PVAc adhesives are therefore employed in interior applications.

2  hanmmers a coffe cup on table

How it works:

When there is good air circulation, PVA sets and dries quickly at room temperature. When clamping the pieces to be glued, you acquire the best seal. It dries quickly and has a solid binding strength. PVA is a water-soluble substance. To make a thinner, less gloopy glue, you can add water to thick glue yourself.


Because PVA glues do not produce strong fumes, there is no need to work outside or open windows when using them. Wet glue may be washed away with water without the use of harsh chemicals.


  • Algae, lichens, bacteria, and yeast can break down
  • You can’t varnish over PVA

2. Animal glue:

Gelatin and lower molecular weight residues of Collagen, Keratin, and Elastin make up most animal glue. Water-soluble glue comes in various shapes and hues, ranging from transparent to opaque, white to brown. The glue is absorbed in cold water to create a turbid jelly that will clarify and thin with gradual heating. When the glue is cooked, it decomposes and darkens.

How it works:

Animal glue can be reversed. Apply wet heat to a joint that has become misaligned or damaged, and the joint will break apart. Wait and twist after steaming or wrapping the region in a boiling hot towel. Presto! Repairs can be made years later with no adverse consequences.


Hide glue shrinks as it dries, and it doesn’t “creep.” It is primarily impervious to stains and coatings. It’s easy to clean up after it’s been applied or dried! It can be removed from clothing and rags, and more importantly, it is reversible and repairable.


    • its heat restrictions,
    • limited open time,
    • susceptibility to microorganisms,
    • With the use of heat and steam, recently glued joints will loosen.
3.  Epoxy glue:

Epoxies are typically sold as a single unit in two-part components. The resin is in the first component, while the hardener is in the second. Some are multipurpose, while others are explicitly designed for wood, marble, and plastic.

Because of their superior cohesive strength, they have outstanding gap-filling powers. As a result, they are a suitable solution for residential repairs because they can withstand harsh weather.

How it works:

A two-part epoxy sets and cures when exposed to a specified temperature for a specific amount of time since it is a thermosetting compound. The curing period might range from a few minutes to more than 24 hours, depending on the scope and amount of epoxy applied to the material.


Epoxy resins have a wide range of material properties, strong mechanical properties, easy processing, low shrinkage during cure, and good adherence to all sorts of fibers as their key benefits.


  • Higher price
  • Stringent conditions of use
  • Lower bond strength than epoxies
  • Lower operating temperature range (max 125C)
4.  Cyanoacrylate  (super glue):

The industrial term for what is usually known as “Crazy Glue” or “Super Glue” is cyanoacrylate glue. Cyanoacrylate glue is a generic word for quick-bonding super glues. They can be used to merge various materials, including metal, plastic, and even human skin.

1 hand holding brushing glue on wood

How it works:

Cyanoacrylate glue consists of an acrylic resin, as opposed to conventional water-based adhesives. Cyanoacrylate glue is made up mostly of cyanoacrylate, which is an acrylic monomer that cures to a plastic state.

The molecules in the cyanoacrylate glue react with moisture to produce tight chains between the two surfaces in contact when there is any amount of moisture present. Unlike typical glue bonding, which involves the evaporation of the base fluid, this reaction produces heat and occurs instantaneously.


Bond strength proliferates with a one-part cure at room temperature. Some super glues are liquid, which is advantageous when the glue needs to flow along a joint line.

  • Not resistant to shock and vibration after curing
  • Not easy to store after opening
  • Only be used for bonding handicrafts and small parts.

Recommended glue for wooden model kits:

holding a glue bottle squeeze it on floor tenon

Cyanoacrylate glue:
  • If you have particular experience in model making or using glue and like to finish work quickly, it is recommended to use liquid quick-drying glue (Cyanoacrylate glue)
  • Because of its unique bonding circumstances, cyanoacrylate glue varies from ordinary glue. It is because cyanoacrylate glue can only attach to a surface if it is damp.
  • If you touch it accidentally, please rinse with plenty of water right now, or use nail polish remover to dissolve the glue. If it gets into your mouth, nose, or eyes, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible.
White glue.
  • If you don’t have experience in model making or a gift for children, white glue is recommended.
  • For wooden bonding models, ordinary white glue is enough. If you want a more professional brand that dries faster and has stronger adhesion, Titebond white glue is recommended.

Tips wooden model kit glue:

  • Apply the adhesive evenly and promptly remove any excess. To maintain shelf life and function, clean and cap the adhesive bottle right away.
  • Experiment with the glue on scrap bits of your craft to see what you can come up with. Examine the look, adherence, and strength of the resulting connection.
  • The surfaces must be clean, and residue and dust for the best bond strength.
  • Toxicology, ventilation, suggested handling and use, and durability in various conditions are listed on the labels.
  • Some glues are superior to others. Within each category, as well as between manufacturers, there are several differences.


Building a structure out of wood is enjoyable, but deciding which glue to use may be a chore. Choosing the appropriate glue can make a significant difference in the overall result. We recommend that you concentrate on different areas of your project and carefully consider which sort of adhesive is best.

But, before we go, I’d want to offer some advice. If you’re going to allow your kids to use glue, make sure you teach them how to use it properly to make any mistakes on their projects. You can also buy them non-toxic, water-based glue as an added precaution.

Meta description:

It’s critical to select a glue that won’t bend the wooden or interfere with finishing stages such as painting.

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